martes, 28 de marzo de 2023



  • Why do people get married? They do so because they are in search of life-long companionship, through which they can fill their life with love and happiness.

  • However, in order to live a happy married life, it is essential to accept your spouse the way they are. Everyone has different beliefs, thinking patterns, opinions, and viewpoints. So it is natural that no two people think alike. Hence, we can say that marriage is a merger of two separate sets of beliefs and mindsets. Due to these unlike mindsets, a couple tends to differ in terms of the way they deal with different matters in life. These differences create conflict in marriage, thus resulting in an unhappy marriage.


  • Let's get married as soon as we can.

  • So why get married at all?

  • They had been married almost five years, so... that meant the baby was conceived long before they met - about the time he and Tessa were going to get married.

  • So why get married at all?

  • You want to get married outside?

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